
Me (wearing #413) with some of my tribe – the women of the Pioneer Valley Women’s Running Club (PVWRC).

This is my story, but it’s also the story of everyone in my tribe who supports me. We lift each other up, and by welcoming others to join us, we create one collective story. My tribe helped me find the joy in being active, the power of friendships, and the badass athlete that was already inside.

From my blog

A Bit Uncomfortable

Note: I took a chance and submitted the following required two-minute entry in the contest to speak at my recent Bay Path graduation. I was not selected, but am proud of what I wrote and want to share it – a perk of having a blog! When I received the email about the Speaker competition,…

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Proving Them Right

If you ask my family and friends, or my MFA advisor, Leanna James Blackwell, if they ever doubted I would graduate, I bet they’d all say, “Linda?! I never doubted it for a second. She’s capable of whatever she sets her mind to.” Really? Don’t they remember how many times I almost quit? When I…

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Support Community

Once in a while, my friend Patty Sullivan and I got to ride the bus to Springfield, or “downstreet” as my Mom used to say. Patty’s family didn’t have a car, so they knew the bus routes and my parents thought we were old enough for the adventure. Forbes and Wallace, and Steiger’s, were multi-floor…

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